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Old Scotch Collegians

A community for life

Founded in 1904, the OSC has over 16,000 members worldwide and is one of the largest of its kind in Australia.

With the vision of a community for life, our mission is: keeping Old Scotch Collegians connected and supporting the College as a united body through service, stewardship and giving.

Benefitting from our values of loyalty, honesty, integrity, respect and belonging, the Old Scotch Collegians Association contributes significantly to the life of the College through:

  • Maintaining social and sporting contact between ex-scholars.
  • Providing resources, personal support, mentoring and expertise to the College.
  • Providing scholarships and bursaries to support student enrolments.
  • Contributing to capital works and infrastructure of the school.

The Association is separately incorporated and elects a Committee to manage its affairs and liaise with the College. The Association also nominates two members to join the College Council.

The OSC is actively working to enhance the benefits and services for members, and the range and importance of these opportunities is growing annually.

Read our Constitution

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From our patron

It is a sincere privilege as the Headmaster of Scotch to hold the dual honour of being the Patron of the Old Scotch Collegians. It is so important in life to remember that we are but stewards of the organisations for which we work, and the organisations which we serve.

As the Patron of the OSC, my role is to ensure that we never lose sight of our heritage and find every opportunity to acknowledge and thank the men and women, who, through their passion and commitment, have made Scotch the world class college and community it is today.

When our boys graduate after Year 12, they join a community for life, the OSC. As our boys journey through their schooling years, we must ensure they have opportunities to reflect about our fore fathers, acknowledge the contributions of the 15,000 OSC's who have gone before them and appreciate that they have responsibility for ensuring that the OSC remains a strong, vibrant and integral part of the Scotch community both today and for many years to come.

Dr Alec O'Connell

Life membership

The Old Scotch Collegians Association WA (Inc.) is pleased to welcome members to our extended clan either as Full or Associate Members.*

The OSCs represent a large and dynamic force within the Scotch College community and you will be an 'Old Scotch Boy' for many years longer than you will have been a student.

Our association takes pride in creating and maintaining deep ties between students, Old Boys, and the entire College community. We firmly believe that these relationships are forged and the benefits felt, from the first day a boy commences school.

The Scotch College Council has endorsed OSC becoming an entry point membership-based organisation. The collection point of membership fees for new students are paid upon entry to Scotch College, and invoiced alongside enrolment fees as a percentage of the endowment figure. Currently enrolled students will continue to receive an invoice for OSC life membership alongside their final tuition invoice.

*Associate Members are friends of the Old Scotch Collegians that can join our association and participate as social members with all the same benefits of an Old Scotch Collegian with the exception of voting rights and the right to sit on the Committee of The Old Scotch Collegians WA (Inc).

Associate Members can be drawn from academic or non-academic staff alike or from any part of the Scotch College community. Please contact the OSC Office on +61 8 9383 6849 for further details.

OSC Committee

President: Aaron McDonald (2001)
Vice-President: Alex Aberle-Leeming (2008)
Treasurer: Michael Fitch (1979)
Secretary: Jeremy Walden (1991)

Committee Members

Richard Gardner (2000)
William Goyder (2015)
James Hindle (1985)
Lachlan Pethick (2014)
Peter Plaisted (1963)
Ben Bartholomaeus (1994): College Council Representative
Alan Murray (1981): College Council Representative


Immediate Past President: Michael Silbert (1979)
2020 Captain of School: Charlie Bevan (2020)
2021 Captain of School: Josh Ledger (2021)
2022 Captain of School: Banjo Harold (2022)
Patron: Dr Alec O'Connell, Headmaster
Chief Financial Officer: Ian Anthony
Manager of Alumni & Events: Nadia Sierakowski

Societies and clubs

OSC societies and clubs connect past students to a range of areas throughout the school.

The Goland Club

The Goland Club supports Rowing at Scotch College. Membership is open to past Rowing students and those who have supported Scotch Rowing.

Support is provided through:

  • An annual appeal to fund the purchase of new equipment
  • Recruitment of coaches and maintenance assistants
  • Social functions to link past and current Scotch rowers and their families
  • The annual Goland Club dinner

For more information, please contact Secretary of the Goland Club Alex Forrest (1989) at acforro@gmail.com or 0411 148 142.

Supporting Scotch College

OSC provides support for the College in many ways.

Employment and vocational advice

Please let us know if you are interested in providing work experience or mentorship for students or OSC interested in your field.

Contacts us

Financial support

Scotch College is enjoying one of the most vibrant and progressive periods in its rich history. The School is currently undergoing major building developments and the implementation of innovative classroom practices.

For over 100 years, OSC members have been very generous in their philanthropic contribution to the school. Please consider giving your support through:

  • Scholarships and bursary donations
  • Making a bequest
  • Capital gifts

Learn about Giving

Opportunities and ideas

Please contact the Development Office on +61 8 9384 6849 if you recognise opportunities or initiatives that may benefit the school.

These may be related to advances in teaching and learning, development of facilities or prudential but promising investments.

WA Gardner Bursary

Bursaries from the WA Gardner Bequest were set up to support the enrolment of sons and grandsons of Old Scotch Collegians and cover the whole or part of tuition of students who would otherwise be unable to attend.

A former member of the teaching staff, WA Gardner made a bequest in 1968 to establish the fund.

To obtain an application form, please contact the Chief Financial Officer's Personal Assistant, Scotch College, PO Box 223, Claremont, WA 6910 or email bernadette.boisen@scotch.wa.edu.au.

PC Anderson Scholarship

The OSC began awarding the PC Anderson Scholarship annually in 1955 to a Year 11 student who is the son or grandson of an Old Scotch Collegian.

The Scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic ability and performance, leadership abilities and aspirations, interest and success in PSA sports and involvement and success in a broad range of co-curricular pursuits.

The Scholarship covers the student's final two years of schooling and the fees for the successful recipients are adjusted accordingly.

Notable alumni

Academia, Science and Technology

  • John Inverarity (OSC 1961): Past Test Cricketer; Headmaster; Selector, Cricket Australia
  • Dr Robert Paton: First vascular surgeon in Western Australia; pioneer of vascular surgery

Arts and Media

  • David Raines
  • Cameron Hay
  • Gareth McGrillen
  • Rob Swire
  • Toby Schmitz
  • Matt Parkinson


  • Drew Banfield
  • Jamie Beadsworth
  • Mal Brown
  • Peter Evans
  • Mark Gale
  • Terry Gale

Politics and Law

  • Peter Collier
  • Roger Cook
  • Hon. John McKechnie
  • Noel Crichton-Browne
  • John Dawkins
  • James Edelman
  • Geoffrey Kennedy
  • David Sadleir

Upcoming events

The Old Scotch Collegians hold a number of events during the year, including reunions, joint functions with the PLC Old Collegians Association and sporting and industry events. These provide a way for OSC to reconnect with their peers, strengthen the bonds formed while at school, and connect with others in their industry.

Founders Day Dinner

  • When: Fri 25 Oct
  • Where: Dining Room
  • Book now

PSA Golf Day

  • When: Fri 25 Oct
  • Where: Cottesloe Golf Club

St Andrews Day Vale

  • When: Thu 28 Nov
  • Where: Chapel

Please get in touch with our team if you would like to be involved with coordinating any of the upcoming events.

For more event details, visit the Scotch College calendar.


The classes of 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2014 will be celebrating their reunions in 2024. Stay tuned for more details, and please ensure the College has your up-to-date contact details.

  • Class of 2014 – 10 Year Reunion | Friday 22 November

Talca-More eNews

Talca-More is our quarterly eNewsletter that features the latest news, upcoming events and OSC achievements.

All OSC with an up-to-date email will automatically receive the eNewsletter. If you haven't received Talca-More eNewsletter, please update your details.

2024 Editions

Tartan Ties Podcast

Episode 1 | Pilot

Join OSC Immediate Past President, Michael Silbert, current President, Aaron McDonald, and Nick Warland as they launch the pilot episode of the Old Scotch Collegians podcast.

The Scotch community, exciting OSC projects underway and a sense of what the podcast will cover with future guests are all on the agenda as Michael, Aaron and Nick take a brief trip down memory lane. Plus, your chance to suggest a proper name for the podcast series as we balance serious conversations with the occasional funny anecdote.

Episode 2 | The Van Hattems

On the second episode of the Old Scotch Collegians podcast, we hear from Peter Van Hattem SC (1974) and his son Nick Van Hattem (2002) as they reflect on their connection to Scotch and challenge the traditional view of what it means to be an OSC.

How has Scotch influenced their careers in the Law and outlook on life? What drives their sense of service and social justice? Peter and Nick talk about their shared interest in language, work-life balance, taking and creating opportunities and projects like the Piddington Society. Plus, discover this year's Founders' Day Dinner speaker and get a sneak peek of our new podcast name.

Episode 3 | Ra Ra Viper

Featuring four past Scotch students and one Christ Church intruder, indie-rock band Ra Ra Viper is selling out shows and their growing fanbase can't get enough.

We invited Jack Tesser (2011), Oliver Kruk (OBA 2015), Oliver Bolt (2013), Harry Tesser (2017) and Julian Sanders (2014) back to Scotch to find out how they came to be, the story behind their band name and the challenges of balancing full-time work and running a band.

Coming off a run of east-coast shows, they touch on their musical influences, the time they featured a bagpipe cameo at their Freo Social show and reminisce on performing at a Dockers match as die-hard Dockers fans.

Episode 4 | Prof Ray Wills

Tune in as we chat with sustainability expert Adjunct Professor Ray Wills PhD (1978).

Reflecting on his versatile career across research, consultancy, leadership and education and landing on the Top 100 Global Influencers in Social Media list, we discuss the future of sustainability in Australia and combatting climate change. Ray shares more about his environmental consultancy business  Future Smart Strategies  and explores how new technologies will change the world around us.

You can keep up-to-date with Ray on Twitter at @ProfRayWills.

Episode 5 | James Christensen

Tune in as we chat with James Christensen (OSC 2007) an ultra-marathon swimming, ship driving, and self-described "recovering fat kid" who wants to use his love of challenging himself as inspiration for other aspiring 'average' people wanting to see what they're made of..

He has taken that to the extreme and in his day job, James is a Lieutenant in the Royal Australian Navy, where he drives frigates to "undisclosed locations"!

Now he has set himself the goal of conquering the Port to Pub Ultra Marathon – a gruelling 25k swim, as well as the Australian and global Triple Ultramarathon Crowns with the goal of showing that anyone, no matter where they start, is capable of doing anything they set their minds to.

Episode 6 | Bob Howie


Bob Howie (OSC 1964) was born in Irvine, Scotland and migrated to Perth on the SS Morton Bay in 1950. After a stint at North Perth Primary School, he arrived at Scotch College.

From the compelling figure cut by then Headmaster Dr Maxwell Keys as he strode across the campus in full academic gown to the flying chalk sent across the room by his beloved Latin teacher, Bob recounts some of his most memorable moments as a Scotch boy.

Following a visit to Canberra as a young man fresh out of school, Bob found himself quickly recruited into the ranks of the then Commonwealth government's Department of Air. Foreign Affairs soon called and a series of international postings from the Hague to Bangladesh.


Our alumni team

Nadia Sierakowski
Manager of Alumni and Events

Bianca Allen
Administration Officer – Alumni and Events

+61 8 9383 6800

Connect with us

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