Boys trek Track
Another batch of Scotch College students became End-to-Enders last Saturday.
The eight Year-12 boarders were welcomed to the 1003km Bibbulmun Track's southern terminus at Albany by piper and old boy Angus Campbell. Scotch headmaster Alec O'Connell was with the eight students who crossed the line and watched as Track foundation head Ian Rae presented certificates to them. "Walking the Track is a marvellous opportunity for our staff and students to challenge themselves," Dr O'Connell said. "The experience will last them well beyond Year 12. When boys apply for jobs, potential employers will see they have character, resilience, and a commitment to personal growth."
Dr O'Connell said the students had been completing sections of the track since Year 8. "Three of them also walked the Kokoda Track last year," he said. "Walking the Track is an option for our boarders and now starts in Year 7."
Last weekend middle school head Richard Ledger became the second Scotch staffer to complete the trek; 150 boys have now walked the Bibbulmun. The first was former Head of Boarding, Greg Peck.
"I was also proud to hear that Scotch boys leave the track and huts in the best condition of any school that walks on the Bibbulmun," Dr O'Connell said. The trekking started at Scotch in 2000 when boarding head Greg Peck wanted to create opportunities for boarders to get out of the city.