Men's Health Week at Scotch
In a recent survey, 78% of Scotch boys identified mental health as a topic of concern. This has motivated a Year 11 run Leadership activity following an idea of a paradigm shift in which the Year 11's run the activities, rather than the staff.
This week, as part of this programme, discussions will be led on men's mental health. The activities have been worked by House groups over the past couple of weeks encourage students to think, talk and listen.
The week follows the theme of 'Have a Chat' where activities will be run within House groups, mentor groups and in Chapel. The conversations aim to break down barriers between friends and classmates so that when boys feel the need, they have the confidence to open up to those they trust.
We hope to continue raising the level of mental health awareness throughout the School and continue to improve on the environment so that people feel more comfortable opening up.