New members
If you are new to Little Pipers, we ask that you arrive at our Early Learning Centre 15 minutes early. One of our team will meet you and walk you to your session's location.
Making a booking
Little Pipers' registrations open roughly two weeks in advance. Please check our schedule for specific release dates. All registrations are free. If you are unable to attend, we appreciate if you can let us know to ensure as many people can attend as possible.
COVID-19 requirements
Proof of vaccination
Based on advice from the state government, all adult participants at Little Pipers are required to show proof of double vaccination when entering the premises for their session.
Mask wearing
Masks are to be worn by adults at all times during the session.
Although our staff are not required to wear masks when teaching, they may choose to do so during Little Pipers when social distancing is not possible.
Capacity and registrations
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, places are limited to 16 families per session. All attendees will need to sign in, to ensure we are meeting the capacity requirements.
It is essential that families only attend a session if they have pre-booked. If you were unable to register, we recommend joining the waiting list. Upon receiving a cancellation, we will automatically send an email inviting the next person on the waiting list to register, which they will then need to accept.
If you joined the waiting list but missed out on a session, we will get in touch about pre-enrolling before the next session's registrations open. We do our best to ensure everyone has the opportunity to attend at least one session a fortnight.
Our community's health is of the utmost importance to us, and we thank you for your support during this time.