Clontarf Academy at Scotch College

Headmaster's Blog

Dear member of the Scotch Community,

I am excited to announce that Scotch College and the Clontarf Foundation have formalised an agreement for the Foundation to establish a Clontarf Academy at the College.

The Clontarf Foundation shares Scotch College's deep commitment to supporting the education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young men and this partnership will allow the College to take the next steps in delivering the best programme possible for our school.

The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem, and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equips them to participate more meaningfully in society. Scotch College's aims are no different and by focusing on the strengths of both organisations, we believe that an Academy can help provide the best possible learning environment for all our young men, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal.

The introduction of a Clontarf Academy aligns closely with our Strategic Plan and Reconciliation Action Plan. A major strategic priority is to engage in robust partnerships that are mutually beneficial, and the Clontarf Foundation provides this opportunity. Furthermore, we are focused on increasing our diversity in a considered manner and by ensuring we have a strong programme for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men to be a part of, allows us to enrol students knowing we can provide the structure and support necessary to have successful educational outcomes. Furthermore, Clontarf's ongoing commitment to its alumni following graduation matches Scotch's 'community for life' approach and we look forward to the many benefits this provides.

Since 2000, the Clontarf Foundation has grown to cater for over 11,500 boys in more than 150 schools across Australia. It receives significant state and federal government support alongside the long-term support of some of Australia's biggest and most successful businesses. This expansion into a leading Western Australian independent school is an exciting development for everyone involved and one which we believe will be of great benefit to all our community.

At the appropriate time we will hold an event welcoming Clontarf and their staff and delivering more information about what hosting an academy entails. If the Clontarf Foundation and the partnership with Scotch is something you or your workplace are interested in supporting, please contact Director of Admissions and Advancement, David Kyle at In the meantime, I hope you are as excited as we are for such a significant partnership to take shape and the opportunities it will provide.

Brad Gill
Acting Headmaster